完成B-12扫盲课程后, 毕业生将达到国际扫盲协会的标准;
1. 基础知识-候选人展示理论知识, 历史, 以及识字和语言的循证基础以及它们相互联系的方式以及识字专业人员在学校中的作用.
2. 〇课程与教学 考生使用基础知识来批评和实施识字课程,以满足所有学习者的需求和设计, 实现, 评估所有学习者的循证识字教学.
3. 评估和评价——考生理解, select, 使用valid, 可靠的, 公平, 以及适当的评估工具进行筛选, 诊断, and measure student literacy achievement; inform instruction and evaluate interventions; 参与 professional learning experiences; explain assessment results and advocate for appropriate literacy practices to relevant stakeholders.
4. 多样性和公平性-候选人展示研究知识, 相关的理论, 教育学, and essential concepts of diversity and equity; demonstrate and provide opportunities for understanding all forms of diversity as central to students' identities; create classrooms and schools that are inclusive and affirming; advocate for equity at school, 区, 以及社区层面.
5. Learners and the Literacy Environment — Candidates meet the developmental needs of all learners and collaborate with school personnel to use a variety of print and digital materials to engage and motivate all learners; integrate digital technologies in appropriate, 安全, and effective ways; foster a positive climate that supports a literacy-rich learning environment.
6. 专业学习和领导能力——候选人认识到, 参与, 并促进持续的专业学习,作为职业生涯的领导角色和责任的一部分.
7. 实习/临床经验(仅适用于专业素养专业人士)-候选人在多个监督的实习/临床经验中应用理论和最佳实践.